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Professionals Skeptical of Investors

Why are Real Estate Professionals Skeptical of New Real Estate Investors

July 30, 20234 min read

The skepticism that real estate professionals exhibit towards working with real estate investors can be attributed to concerns about their level of knowledge, experience, and motivations.”

Real estate investing has become an increasingly popular avenue for individuals seeking to build wealth and secure their financial future. However, the collaboration between real estate professionals and investors is often met with skepticism on the part of the former. The reasons for this wariness can be attributed to a combination of factors, including concerns about a lack of true knowledge or experience among investors. Nevertheless, there are effective strategies to overcome this skepticism and foster productive partnerships.

One of the primary reasons for skepticism is the perception that some real estate investors lack the depth of knowledge and experience that real estate professionals possess. Successful real estate professionals often have years of industry-specific expertise, having navigated numerous transactions and market fluctuations. In contrast, novice investors may lack the necessary insights and understanding of the intricacies involved in real estate deals. As a result, professionals worry that these investors may make ill-informed decisions, jeopardizing the success of a transaction.

To overcome this knowledge gap, investors should prioritize education and self-improvement. Taking the time to thoroughly research the real estate market, learning about different investment strategies, and understanding the legal and financial aspects of property transactions will significantly boost an investor's credibility. Additionally, seeking guidance from experienced mentors or partnering with seasoned investors can provide invaluable insights and enhance their competence in the field.

Another factor contributing to skepticism is the perception of some investors being solely driven by short-term profits. Real estate professionals often strive to build lasting relationships with clients, guiding them through multiple transactions as their needs evolve. In contrast, some investors may adopt a transactional approach, focused on maximizing profits with little regard for nurturing long-term partnerships.

To combat this skepticism, investors must demonstrate their commitment to creating win-win scenarios. By showing an interest in the needs and goals of the clients they work with, investors can build trust and foster rapport. Additionally, a willingness to consider more than just financial gains and valuing the long-term implications of their actions will help bridge the gap between them and real estate professionals.

Moreover, transparency and effective communication are essential for overcoming skepticism. Real estate professionals are more likely to trust investors who are upfront about their level of experience, their strategies, and the risks involved in their ventures. Investors should be honest about their intentions and expectations, acknowledging any potential challenges and uncertainties. This transparency not only instills confidence but also provides an opportunity for professionals to share their expertise and offer guidance, nurturing a more collaborative relationship.

The skepticism that real estate professionals exhibit towards working with real estate investors can be attributed to concerns about their level of knowledge, experience, and motivations. To overcome this skepticism, investors must prioritize education, seek guidance from experienced mentors, and demonstrate their commitment to creating lasting partnerships. Transparency, effective communication, and a genuine interest in their clients' needs will help bridge the gap and pave the way for successful and productive collaborations between real estate professionals and investors. By working together, both parties can leverage their strengths and expertise to achieve mutual success in the dynamic world of real estate.

An Investor starting out needs to decide on a Niche and focus on that. Consult "Investor-Friendly" Lawyers and CPA's to ensure you are building the foundation of your business in a sound manner. Work on your education, build your connections to grow your network. Be careful of getting your information from youtube and such outlets. Connect with people in YOUR market that are successful in your Niche, by attending local networking events. Find a coach or mentor that will guide you in every step.

John Fisher's Breakfast Club and Realty Investors Group (RIG) are great resources for networking and education.

Invest-Success provides a 12-month Face-to-Face coaching and mentoring program. Invest Success assists you in setting up your business, Finding deals, Funding projects, Fixing rehabs, and either Flipping by selling your house or Filling it with Renters.

Classes are held in student-owned projects twice a month and once a month a Property Tour is held with an "Estimating Your Rehab Costs" Class. Students have weekly private coaching calls, have access to an online Student Portal with videos, spreadsheets, and other resources. They have access to Tim and Jim via email, texts or calls during normal working hours.

Interested Investors may attend one class for free with no obligation or commitment by registering at

Start now to set up your business properly, build your network with professions, gain the education to prevent you from losing money and be a successful Investor that professionals will be happy to work with.

real estate investinginvestingreal estatecoachingmentorship
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Professionals Skeptical of Investors

Why are Real Estate Professionals Skeptical of New Real Estate Investors

July 30, 20234 min read

The skepticism that real estate professionals exhibit towards working with real estate investors can be attributed to concerns about their level of knowledge, experience, and motivations.”

Real estate investing has become an increasingly popular avenue for individuals seeking to build wealth and secure their financial future. However, the collaboration between real estate professionals and investors is often met with skepticism on the part of the former. The reasons for this wariness can be attributed to a combination of factors, including concerns about a lack of true knowledge or experience among investors. Nevertheless, there are effective strategies to overcome this skepticism and foster productive partnerships.

One of the primary reasons for skepticism is the perception that some real estate investors lack the depth of knowledge and experience that real estate professionals possess. Successful real estate professionals often have years of industry-specific expertise, having navigated numerous transactions and market fluctuations. In contrast, novice investors may lack the necessary insights and understanding of the intricacies involved in real estate deals. As a result, professionals worry that these investors may make ill-informed decisions, jeopardizing the success of a transaction.

To overcome this knowledge gap, investors should prioritize education and self-improvement. Taking the time to thoroughly research the real estate market, learning about different investment strategies, and understanding the legal and financial aspects of property transactions will significantly boost an investor's credibility. Additionally, seeking guidance from experienced mentors or partnering with seasoned investors can provide invaluable insights and enhance their competence in the field.

Another factor contributing to skepticism is the perception of some investors being solely driven by short-term profits. Real estate professionals often strive to build lasting relationships with clients, guiding them through multiple transactions as their needs evolve. In contrast, some investors may adopt a transactional approach, focused on maximizing profits with little regard for nurturing long-term partnerships.

To combat this skepticism, investors must demonstrate their commitment to creating win-win scenarios. By showing an interest in the needs and goals of the clients they work with, investors can build trust and foster rapport. Additionally, a willingness to consider more than just financial gains and valuing the long-term implications of their actions will help bridge the gap between them and real estate professionals.

Moreover, transparency and effective communication are essential for overcoming skepticism. Real estate professionals are more likely to trust investors who are upfront about their level of experience, their strategies, and the risks involved in their ventures. Investors should be honest about their intentions and expectations, acknowledging any potential challenges and uncertainties. This transparency not only instills confidence but also provides an opportunity for professionals to share their expertise and offer guidance, nurturing a more collaborative relationship.

The skepticism that real estate professionals exhibit towards working with real estate investors can be attributed to concerns about their level of knowledge, experience, and motivations. To overcome this skepticism, investors must prioritize education, seek guidance from experienced mentors, and demonstrate their commitment to creating lasting partnerships. Transparency, effective communication, and a genuine interest in their clients' needs will help bridge the gap and pave the way for successful and productive collaborations between real estate professionals and investors. By working together, both parties can leverage their strengths and expertise to achieve mutual success in the dynamic world of real estate.

An Investor starting out needs to decide on a Niche and focus on that. Consult "Investor-Friendly" Lawyers and CPA's to ensure you are building the foundation of your business in a sound manner. Work on your education, build your connections to grow your network. Be careful of getting your information from youtube and such outlets. Connect with people in YOUR market that are successful in your Niche, by attending local networking events. Find a coach or mentor that will guide you in every step.

John Fisher's Breakfast Club and Realty Investors Group (RIG) are great resources for networking and education.

Invest-Success provides a 12-month Face-to-Face coaching and mentoring program. Invest Success assists you in setting up your business, Finding deals, Funding projects, Fixing rehabs, and either Flipping by selling your house or Filling it with Renters.

Classes are held in student-owned projects twice a month and once a month a Property Tour is held with an "Estimating Your Rehab Costs" Class. Students have weekly private coaching calls, have access to an online Student Portal with videos, spreadsheets, and other resources. They have access to Tim and Jim via email, texts or calls during normal working hours.

Interested Investors may attend one class for free with no obligation or commitment by registering at

Start now to set up your business properly, build your network with professions, gain the education to prevent you from losing money and be a successful Investor that professionals will be happy to work with.

real estate investinginvestingreal estatecoachingmentorship
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Invest Success is a 12-month, in-person, mentorship program to help you find, fund, fix, and flip your first investment property.


Mon-Fri: 10AM-5PM


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